Monday, December 14, 2009

Keesha's House

Keesha's House
Helen Frost
128 pgs
Farrar (2007)
Subject Matter: teen pregnancy, teen troubles, peace, comfort, worry

It's not really Keesha's house, it is Joe's house. Joe was taken in by his aunt when he was 12 and always invited friends over who had nowhere else to go. As he grew older and his friends grew older a younger generation began to occupy Joe's house and Keesha is the girl that invites them all and tells them all about the haven behind the blue door. This is a collection of poems of the kids who stay at Keesha's house, their problems, why they are there and why they stay. Also are poems from those who care about them, their mothers and fathers and coaches or grandparents. Each poem could stand on it's own, but together they weave a beautiful story of co-dependent people that have nothing in common but their problems.

Review: So good! Each poem had it's own message and story and yet they all seemed to link together with the characters knowing each other and such.

Now You Know: This is a book of problems. Each kid has their own set of problems and they are spelled out in poetry, but some are frightening all the same.

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